Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….11/6/13

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday!

I recall a meeting I had with a Captain in the police department for the city i work for. We were discussing some projects and really just spending some time getting to know each other as I was new and this was our first opportunity to work together. During our conversation {which was taking place at Dunkin Donuts at 7:15 in the morning) he mentioned how he had arrested someone at 1:30 in the morning, which meant he didn’t get home until after 3:00am because of the paperwork. Yet here he was bright and early, back at work. I commented that he could have called me and rescheduled and thats when he said something very valuable. He said, “I love what I do. I love police work. In the last couple of years I have had knee surgery, neck surgery and several other injuries, but I don’t even think of doing anything else.”

Man, what if we all had that attitude. If we all so enjoyed good, meaningful, hard work. What value would we bring to our employers and to the customers, residents, society we serve. Thomas Jefferson said, “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Are you enjoying a career or a job that has meaning and value to you and to society? Then work hard at it and see how accomplished you feel. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish when you give your all to something meaningful, not to a job. Pay means less. Position means less. Power means nothing. And you feel great at the end of each day.

Ask yourself today, am I blessed with hard work? Am i blessed with work of value? If the answer is yes, dig in. If it is no,….well then you have a choice to make.

Be great today. Work hard.

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