Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday……11/13/13

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday!

I know it is way too early to get excited about college basketball as March Madness is still almost 6 months away.  But with a couple of exciting upsets yesterday, some thoughts have come to mind about what makes March Madness so great

For those that don’t know, March madness references the end of season college basketball tournament in which over 60 teams play for the annual national championship.  It has derived the “madness” motto because of the many exciting and crazy games played, the wild endings, and the annual upset and Cinderella (or underdog) stories

One of the things I enjoy the best (and why I usually don’t watch basketball until the tournament) is that every team gives absolutely everything they have to win the game.  And every year, one or more underdogs win a big game.  And its always because of the effort they provide.  And to me, there is very little more exciting than that.  Colin Powell said it like this, ““The healthiest competition occurs when average people win by putting above average effort.” That is what makes March Madness so exciting.  Average teams putting above average effort and being rewarded with victory.

We don’t have to wait for March Madness to be inspired the same way.  All of us are probably just average in most things we do.  That doesn’t mean your effort has to be.  You can go into each and every day giving all you have.  Work hard.  Laugh hard.  Love hard.  Give above average effort in everything and see how differently the day will go.  You might be surprised at how many small victories you have and chances are, you will inspire a few people along the way.  And isn’t impacting other lives what this life is really all about.

Give it a try.  Everything you have in everything you do.  And be encouraged when the day is one of the best you have ever had.

Be great today…..

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