Monthly Archives: November 2013

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday…11/14/13

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! I have never thought of myself as an artist.  No musically ability.  The rhythm of an normal white guy (stereotype  intended). Can barely draw a stick man.  But I am coming to learn the reality that being an artist, and more importantly using artistic ability, is far more than creating something […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday……11/13/13

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! I know it is way too early to get excited about college basketball as March Madness is still almost 6 months away.  But with a couple of exciting upsets yesterday, some thoughts have come to mind about what makes March Madness so great For those that don’t know, March madness references […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….11/12/13

This morning, I wanted to share something a wise woman told me…. Yesterday is gone, be great today Enjoy the blessings that surround you Love those who are in your life Pray for those that cross your path Seek hard after Him Leave the past where it belongs and if it doesn’t work the way you […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….11/8/13

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! I leave you this week with this great poem by Kent M. Keith:   “The Paradoxical Commandments People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.Succeed […]

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday..11/7/13

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! Walt Disney is quoted as saying, ““Around here we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious…and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” I think that people who live exciting, fulfilling, energized lives all share the trait […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….11/6/13

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! I recall a meeting I had with a Captain in the police department for the city i work for. We were discussing some projects and really just spending some time getting to know each other as I was new and this was our first opportunity to work together. During our conversation […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…11/5/15

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! We live in a world where everyone wants to be lucky.  Just look at the popularity of lottery’s and other forms of gambling.  Look at how many schools and groups do fundraisers around the idea of chance.  Look at the newspaper and at how many times when someone succeeds or something […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday….11/4/13

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! My middle son is a runner.  A long distance runner.  He runs cross country (over 3 miles) and during track season he runs the 1 and 3 mile races.  So, as with any long distance runner, he is interested in marathons.  A big race was on yesterday and he was watching.  […]

Thank Godness It;s Friday….11/1/13

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Short and sweet this morning….Epictetus said, “First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” Are you doing what needs to be done to be who you want to be?  If not, start today! Be great today… yourself!