Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…1/8/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday!

“So, it’s a new year, everything is great, everything is wonderful, this year is going to be different!”  That is how most of us start out and then something happens.  We get into a difficult place, a challenge, something goes wrong.  And so often, we throw up our hands and go right back to the way things were.  Our negative thoughts, our negative attitudes, letting the world win.  We have got to learn that challenges are going to come and most often when we handle them correctly, challenges are where we find the most joy and strength.

Vivian Greene said, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain…” What a great truth.  It has proven itself out over and over again throughout history.  Those willing to press through, to keep going, to even enjoy the struggle have seen themselves blessed and growing.  It has always been that way.

I happen to believe we are made in the image of God and despite being fallen and sinful, we are meant to try and live out His characteristics everyday.  And if you look back at how He has interacted with the world, you can see that He never intended us to sit our the storms.  He wants us to learn to enjoy and push through.  If you read the stories from the Bible from when God walked among us as a man, you begin to see that He never “set one out” or waited for the trouble to pass.  He pushed through the struggles, faced the difficulties head on and always kept His faith and hope.  It is the perfect example for how we are supposed to act.

So before the struggles come this year (and they will), prepare yourself now.  Get ready to dance.  Ready to laugh.  Ready to live.  No matter what is happening.  Find strength in hope.  Find strength in peace.  Find strength in God.  Be prepared.  And you will be able to dance in the rain and you will never be the same.

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