Thank Goodness It’s Thursday…1/9/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday!

Just a short thought for today.  Guy Finley is quoted as saying, “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”  And while that is absolutely true, it doesn’t say enough about the truth.  Because reality is not only is there nothing that can stop you from doing it, the creator of that very same universe is actually encouraging you to let go.  Let go of the past.  Let go of your failures.  Let go of your doubts.  Let go of your struggles.  Whether they are from yesterday or 50 years ago, let go of all of it and pursue a new and strong life founded in His love and His grace.  

There is always excitement when starting something new.  Imagine how exciting it could be to simply start a new you.   Noting can stop you.  And everything that matters is encouraging and inviting you to.  What are you waiting for?

Be great today!

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