Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…2/18/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday!

I made it back and I am refreshed and renewed and ready to tackle the many challenges that lay ahead.  Over the next several days, I will share bits and pieces of what I learned while away.  I had a great time of quiet, peace, way too much food, being with my wife, and enjoying everything God created.

One of the biggest things that I have been processing was a quote I heard from Francis Chan.  He said, “we shouldn’t fear failure, but we should be terrified of succeeding in what doesn’t matter.”  What a powerful truth.  When we look at our lives, how often are we most bothered by the things that in reality don’t really matter?  How often do those things cause conflict, worry, stress, and fear?  And on the opposite end, how often do we pour ourselves into projects, events, and activities in order to “win” to find out that even though we were successful, the adventure has no lasting impact on us or the world around us?

Now, don’t get me wrong. It is ok to have some recreational activities that are just that, recreation.  We all need an outlet to relax and have fun.  But the things we are really investing ourselves in need to matter.  They need to have a meaningful, eternal impact on those that surround us.  And mostly, they need to have impact on us.  They need to encourage godliness in us.  They need to continue the change process in us.  They need to challenge and push us towards better relationships.  They need to lead us towards worship.

What are you striving for today? Does it have eternal value? Does it have real meaning? If not, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it.  Think about it.

Be great today…..

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