Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….2/19/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday!

Have you ever found yourself surrounded by a negative person?  Or maybe have you noticed that you are being negative more than usual?  Nothing can make the day longer than negativity.  Negative people always seem to know just the thing to say to ruin a moment, stop momentum, or really just jab you where it hurts….even if it is you saying it about yourself.

While I have come across a few people who are just generally negative, most negative people are only that way for a season.  Most find themselves in a difficult time in their lives and not knowing how to handle the struggle they become negative.  And their negativity pours over everyone around them.  While there is not much you can do about the generally negative few out there (other than stay away from them), there are some things we can do for the rest of the “temporary” negative people.  First and foremost, we need to recognize what the issue is.

For a majority of negative people, the bottom line is they have been hurt and are still in a hurting place. Their struggle is something they don’t understand or can’t get past and it sours them into negativity.  And they don’t know how to get out of it.  It has been widely said that hurt people hurt people.  They do it with words and actions, often not recognizing the damage they are causing.  So what are we to do about it?  Well, it depends on which side you are on.  First, if you know someone who is being negative, recognize the pattern they are in (hurt people hurt people).  Be patient.  Take negative things said with as much salt (not just a grain) as possible.  And most importantly, pray for them.  Their hurt.  They need healing and they need comfort.  If you are close enough, offer to listen and help guide them to a place of comfort.  Don’t let the current negativity overcome who you know they are.  Love them.

Secondly, if you are confronted with or recognize your own negativity, find a way to immediately stop the cycle.  Don’t let your hurt cause you to hurt others. Watch your words and actions closely while you take a deep breath and ask yourself where it is coming from.  What is hurting you that is causing this sour attitude to be exposed to the world?  Find the issue and take it to the only place you can find help, take it to God.  Let Him help heal your wounds and restore your joy.  Listen to the good friend who points out truth to you and own it.  Realize you are stuck in a hurting cycle that will not end until you have the courage to stand before God and ask for help. Love yourself. 

Negativity abounds in places of hurt.  It is important to know that and to seek God’s comfort and healing to pull us out of the hurt and back into joy.  He is waiting there for each of us.  Where are you at today?  Have you been bothered by a negative person? Pray.  Are you being negative and don’t know why? Pray. This life is way to short not to live it with joy and excitement.  Leave the negative behind.

Be great today……

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