Thank Goodness It’s Monday…2/24/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday!

Heard a great message in church yesterday that included the statement, “the largest amount of time wasted in not wasted hours, but waster minutes.” I have to admit, for the first second after I heard that, I was thinking, “huh”?  (I was a little tired yesterday).

But once it got through, what a powerful truth to understand and what a better way to understand being intentional with your time.  You see, most of us don’t stop in the middle of the day and say, “ok, let’s spend the next 2 hours wasting time watching television” or “I think I will spend the next 3 hours surfing the web looking at really nothing.” But many will take short breaks to catch up on the sports highlights, or watch a  quick episode of our favorite show online, or watch the financial news to see how the stock market is doing.  By themselves, the time seems innocent, but when you add up all of these short breaks, we usually more than exceed the 2 or 3 hours mentioned above.  All of our little 10 or 15 minute breaks add up to more wasted time that we could ever know.

All wasted time.  Time that stops of from being productive.  Time that stops us from being successful.  Time that leads us to places we shouldn’t be.  We must be intentional about controlling our time, down to the minutes.  We must be intentional about knowing that we have more important things to do and must use all of the time we have to effectively complete those tasks.

The Olympics concluded last night.  It is always interesting to think about how so many of the events are time based and how these athletes train for 4 years to be less than a second better than someone else. They control everything minute of their lives in the quest of being faster at their chosen sport.  Our lives need to be the same way.  We need to be in complete control of every minute of every day and we need to be intentional about what we are doing.  1 Corinthians 9:25-27 says, “Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control…”

No one likes to talk about discipline or self control.  Especially in our culture today, but it is absolutely imperative that we begin to recognize and take back all of those wasted minutes so that we can have a meaningful impact on the world around us.  Give it a shot for a week.  You will be happier, your boss will be happier, your spouse will be happier.  But most importantly, your God will be happier.

Be great today…..

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