Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…..2/26/14

Thank Goodness it’s Wednesday!

No matter what you are facing….tough work project, problems in a relationship, teenagers, financial issues (which often come with teenagers)….whatever it may be, I heard a great truth that will help you be prepared to handle each day. 

Focus on the objective, not the obstacles. 

Anything and everything that you do that is really worth doing will have obstacles.  Especially if what you are doing has eternal value and brings glory to God through its completion.  Obstacles pop up everywhere.  Trying to save money and pay off debt…the tire blows and the AC stops working.  Trying to invest quality time at home and mend troubled relationships……work projects pop up requiring extra overtime.  These are just two easy examples but often the obstacles that are before you are not that easy to overcome.  They can be intimidating.

So don’t focus on them.  Look beyond the obstacles and keep your focus on the objective.  Keep focused on the finish line.  Runners are taught to keep looking straight ahead towards the finish line.  Don’t look at your feet.  Don’t look at your opponents.  Don’t look at the crowd. Straight ahead.  Focus on where you are going.  The same is true in every aspect of life.  Completing the task, fixing the relationship, changing a life.  Those are the things that matter.  Not the troubles that may pop up along the way.

Whatever you may be facing now, no matter how big or how small can be overcome.  And the way to get started is to stop focusing on the little troubles popping up around and realize the call that is on your life and focus on seeing that come true before anything else.  You will be amazed what a different view will do for you.

Be great today…..


One comment

  1. Gede Prama · · Reply

    Thank you friends for sharing the article is quite interesting, hopefully we all get that true happiness rays began to warm our hearts and make the heart glad, when we can share with each other sincerely. Lots of love from Gede Prama 🙂 🙂

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