Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….3/4/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday!

People are very interesting.  Like, most people when they lay their head down at night don’t fall asleep dreaming of ordinary things.  Sure, sometimes we are so busy with life that we can’t stop the ordering and reordering of tomorrows schedule in our minds.  But when that is not the case, and when we find ourselves in the quiet, thinking about our lives, we find ourselves dreaming of bigger, bolder, grander lives.  We see ourselves making a difference in the world.  We see ourselves on great adventures.  We see ourselves living extraordinary lives.

Then when we wake up the next day, we go about life like those dreams don’t exist.  So many people are so willing to just go through the motions and just get through the day.  They settle for ordinary.  Now hear me, I am not just talking about some grand adventures or once in a lifetime vacations.  People settle for ordinary with everything.  Their families, their work, their attitudes, and their relationship with God.  And I don’t understand that.

You see, the world has never been changed with ordinary people or ordinary thoughts.  Martin Luther King had a dream for what a non segregated world would like. Abraham Lincoln had a dream for what a non-divided nation would be able to accomplish.  Mother Theresa had a vision of how loving the needy would change the world.  On and on we could go talking about men and women who had extraordinary dreams about how things could be and then didn’t sleep on those dreams, but went out and fought to see them come true. 

And don’t worry, those dreams aren’t always big, world changing things.  They could be as simple as loving a child that knows no love.  Caring for the homeless.  Building a family that comes together and shares their life with one another.  Changing attitudes at work that ultimately improves your productivity and your companies impact.

Whatever they are and however big they are, I believe that every one of us has dreams of an extraordinary life. And God has placed that dream within you on purpose.  We were not created to live small, un-impactful lives.  We were created to live life and live it abundantly.  Your dreams are there for a reason.  Don’t be afraid to go after them.  Change your mindset.  Decide that your life will not be average.  Whether that means charging up the hill in battle, or simply being the one who loves your teenager enough to not let them act like they are part of the world, don’t accept average.  You are better than that.  You are called to more than that.  You were created for greatness. 

Dream it.  Do it.

Be great today…..

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