Thank Goodness It’s Thursday….3/13/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday!

I was reminded of the speech Steve Jobs made not too long before he died.  He was speaking at a college graduation, and as part of his speech he said he had looked to look in the mirror each morning and say, “if today were my last day on the earth, would I want to do what I am about to do.  And if I say no too many days in a row, then it is time to do something else.”

Like him or not, that is a great truth.  God placed us on this earth for purpose and for an abundant life.  If you find yourself stuck in a job you hate, a relationship that is struggling or just in a generally bad place, do something about it.  Change jobs or be a change at your job.  Fix your relationship (and for the record, most of the time there is a problem is a relationship you can find the issue by looking in mirror…:)  ).  Don’t keep doing the same things over and over and believe, “oh well, it’s just life”.  It’s not. 

It’s your life and God has great things in store for those who love Him.  He wants you to explore, to expand, to enjoy.  Don’t sit back and let life pass you by.  Go out and do something!

Be great today…..

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