Thank Goodess It’s Tuesday….3/18/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday!

It’s funny how easily people fall into (and often out of) routines.  I remember the scene from Dead Poet’s Society when Robin Williams proves this point by having the students march around in a circle.  It took less than 3 laps and everyone was already marching in step.  Routine.  Rhythm.  Conformity.  It is the way we often operate. And if used properly, knowing that we are creatures of habit can be to our benefit.

Aristotle wrote, “Quality is not an act, it is a  habit.” If we can get into the routine of performing at high levels of quality, it will become a habit and everything around us will improve.  Imagine if everything you did at work was done with quality.  Imagine if every interaction with your spouse was done with quality.  Imagine if every day you were a quality parent.  Start at the simple things and work your way up.  Think about how much longer your car would last if you take good, quality care of it.  How about your house.  Your clothes.  Your shoes.  Then work up to the big things.  Imagine if you spent more quality time with God. Imagine if your routine included the habit of quality.

The truth is you have routines.  And your routines are either full of meaning and are completed with the idea of quality behind them or they are full of just getting by and leave a lot to be desired.  You can start the process of changing the world by creating quality in your routine.  Try it out for a week or so.  Make yourself do all things with quality in mind,  No shortcuts.  No half effort.  See how much different things turn out.

Be great today…..

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