Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….3/19/14

Thank Goodness It’ Wednesday!

The music could use some work on this video, but take the few minutes to watch it through and after you watch it, for yourself to answer the question that is asked, “would I treat others differently?”

I believe we live in such a selfish world that often we respond to situations and treat people in ways that show we only worry about ourselves. I believe many conflicts, many hurt feelings, many bad situations could be avoided if we take moment and think about someone else first. Ask them (and mean it) how they are doing. Be interested in their life. Then you might be able to better understand certain actions and be able to respond in a more productive manner.

The Bible is clear that we should love our neighbors as ourselves and that true love requires us to put others before ourselves. Imagine how peaceful and fulfilling your life will be if you take a breath and relate to those around you.

Try it today. Seek out those around you and ask how they are doing. Ask if you can help them in someway. Celebrate the good stuff and shed a tear with them over the tough stuff. Smile, hug, shake hands….just be there for real. And try and see the person not the situation.

Be great today….

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