Thank Goodness It’s Monday….3/24/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday!

Yesterday in a Bible study class, the teacher was talking about some of the last teachings Jesus gave His disciples before He dies.  He was describing the weight and value of those teachings because they were the last things Jesus said to them before His death.  The teacher used this statement to make his point: “What would you say to your friends and family if you were dying.”

Of course, I don’t think anyone wants to think about dying.  In fact, I was listening to a message the other day and the speaker asked the audience how many people knew a few people in the room would die this year.  Of course, everyone raised their hands.  Then he followed it with, how many of you think it will be you.  To which every person in the room put their hand down.  We know death happens, but we don’t think it will happen to us.  We avoid thinking about it at all.

So you might be thinking, what a horrible way to start a Monday…..not really.  I am not suggesting that we spend time brooding over our deaths, fearful for what we might miss and planning out every detail of funeral.  But what if you knew your time was near.  What would shoot up to the top of your priorities list?  What would you be passionate about?  What would you want to share with those closest to you?  What would you want to share with the world?

You see, I do believe that we need to occasionally take a moment and refocus our life, reset our priorities and reenergize those passions within us that will have the most meaningful impact on the world around us.  There is something different about someone who is living to leave a legacy versus someone who is living to make it through the day.

So I challenge you, don’t be morbid and mope around as you realize that one day you too will leave this earth.  But take a few moments to imagine the last couple of conversations you will have.  What will you say? Who will be there?  What do you want to leave them as a lasting example and legacy of how to live life?  Think about that then go out and do it.  Start the change…..

Be great today…..

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