Monthly Archives: April 2014

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….4/30/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! As we spend this week looking to be present in our key relationships, I wanted to quickly give you this idea……An anonymous quote says, “Successful entrepreneurs are givers and not takers of positive energy.”  That statement could be reworded to say, “Good (friends, coworkers, spouses, people) are givers and not takers of […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….4/29/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! Yesterday I wrote about the importance of being present in relationships.  Investing time, focus and energy being important factors in building strong and meaningful relationships, both personally and professionally.  The next piece of that is understanding that while it is very important to be present, what we do and say while […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday…4/28/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! Listened to a very good sermon on relationships yesterday.  One of the key points brought up is one we all know, but one we all probably often fail at….being present.  In today’s fast paced, mobile, social-media driven world we often find ourselves working, posting, reading, tweeting, blogging ( 🙂 ) and texting more […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….4/25/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! A little lighthearted fun (but truth) this morning…..Ever had a similar situation? It’s difficult to both listen completely when you know the answer and also to accept that someone might actually have the answer. Breaking down the communication barriers is key to great relationships…. Enjoy the day and please just get […]

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday..4/24/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! Enjoy the words much more than the pictures…..’Be the one living the sermon’ Be great today…..

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….4/23/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! I have yet to meet a person who has found and understands meaning in their lives who hasn’t gone through a series of struggles.  Struggles and difficulties are ultimately the things that help us realize who we really are.  They help to mold and make us. Yet I also find so […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…..4/22/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday……. Just a quick thought for you this morning.  Are you more interesting in yourself or in others?  Really ask yourself that.  And not when things are good and you can “afford to”.  When things are at their toughest, do you naturally care about others or do you close ranks and worry […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday…..4/21/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! If you are one of the many people who enjoyed a renewal, a repurposing, a fresh start over this past weekend, I want to take a quick moment to speak to you.  Easter weekend is about just that, renewal.  The promise of hope, renewed strength and a future different than anything […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….4/18/14

Thank Goodness It’ Friday! It is always hard for me to say Happy Good Friday, knowing what event the day celebrates. But the reality is while the events of the day are tragic in human terms, the results of the day are beyond any happiness we can truly comprehend. The events was really the beginning. […]

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday….4/17/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! A quick story for you this morning.  Many have probably already heard it, but it is often good to be reminded of simple truths from time to time.  So read and enjoy and at the end, honestly ask yourself which one are you.  For real strength lies in understanding who we […]