Thank Goodness It’s Monday…..4/21/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday!

If you are one of the many people who enjoyed a renewal, a repurposing, a fresh start over this past weekend, I want to take a quick moment to speak to you.  Easter weekend is about just that, renewal.  The promise of hope, renewed strength and a future different than anything we have ever lived in the past.  Many leave Easter weekend saying that they have turned a new page.

The issue is so many turn that page for only a few moments, then something (or someone) prompts them to go back and re-read all of those old, useless pages.  And that re-reading causes the pain, guilt and frustration that was removed at Easter to return.  Don’t let that happen to you again this year.  Anthony Liccione is quoted as saying, “Rather than turning the page, it’s much easier to just throw the book away.”    

That is the truth of the renewal found at Easter.  It’s not about simple turning a page, it is about starting a brand new book. It’s about a new life.  A life greater and more abundant than you could ever imagine.  Don’t place the amazing thing that is happening to you in an old book.  It deserves a new one.

And for those that feel that maybe they didn’t experience a renewal over the weekend, it’s not to late.  That is the really awesome part of Easter.  We may celebrate it once a year, but its truth, power, and life changing connection can happen at any time.  So, you didn’t miss it completely.  Your book was just still being printed.  Make sure you get a copy today.

Be great today….you’re a new you!


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