Thank Goodness It’s Friday….5/2/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday!

Easy and light today….as you are building your relationships over the weekend, I find a website with different list of random things to do….(

Here is a list of the top 20 things to do….

1) Visit a child with cancer and make their day better.

2) Waste time on this website.

3) Try to eat air.

4) Google your name.

5) Build a fort out of blankets and chairs in your house.

6) Look at this website while your friend is watching and press the “done it” button on everything.

7) Waste your time on this website.

8) Try to lick your tongue… JUST DO IT!

9) Be awesome.

10) Google your name and see what pops up.

11) Make a fort out of blankets and chairs.

12) Be on this website just because there is nothing better to do and you are bored.

13) Try and balance the light switch between on and off!

14) Eat chocolate.

15) Build a fort in your living room.

16) Put on socks and run and slide on your hard wood floors.

17) Type “Zerg Rush” Into google search bar! So Cool!

18) Search your name and see if it means anything.

19) Go to Google, and type in “do a barrel roll”. See what happens, it’s really cool! ^_^

20) Waste time on this website!!

Enjoy your day….be great

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