Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…5/6/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday!

So yesterday at work ended in frustration as I found that I had made a mistake in a big project we are working on.  There are a ton of reasons (excuses)…some of them are even good, but the bottom line is I made a mistake.  And that ruined my day.  Fortunately, it was an easy mistake to fix and I was able to fix it before leaving and all is back on course with the project.  But that didn’t stop the perfectionist in me from being very frustrated and disappointed in myself.

Then my wife lovingly reminded me that I am not perfect (as all great wives do), but also encouraged me to find the solution and then she said the few words we all need to hear, “I always believe in you,”  I will admit, at first that didn’t help because I couldn’t get out of my own way being mad at myself for making a simple mistake.  But as I let the words sink in, I realized more and more how much it means to have someone believe in you no matter what.  My spirits began to lift and I realized that yes, I made a mistake, but I fixed it and it is time to move on and tackle the next adventure…because I have a lofty goal to live up to…she believes in me.  

Albert Einstein once said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new,”  I often try new things, especially at work (which is actually what led to the mistake from yesterday).  So mistakes are going to happen.  But as long as I seek to do my best, admit to and correct the mistakes that happen, and keep pushing forward with new and exciting things, I will be able to be strong and achieve the goal that is before me….rewarding her belief.  You see, having her believe in me the way she does is a never ending circle of strength.  The more she believes, the more I succeed, which gives her more to believe in…. and on and on.

Do you have someone who believes in you?  Maybe more important, do you believe in someone else and do you let them know it? Believing in someone and showing them encouragement is one of the greatest gifts we can give someone else (especially men),  We each need someone like that.

So tackle the day and try something new.  Because if no one has told you lately, I believe in you.  and I can do that because she believes in me…..

Be great today,,,,


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