Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…5/14/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday!

It always seems that when someone is down or upset, there is always someone else to blame.  I am in a bad mood because of (fill in the blank).  My life isn’t working out because of (fill int he blank). Now, I know that there are times when it is legitimately “someone else s” fault.  But no where as near as often and we try and make it.

Wayne Dyer is quoted as saying. “Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”  I love this truth.  He is saying that while we may not be in complete control of the situation, our attitude is totally up to us.  No matter what has happened.  No matter who is at fault.  No matter how dark or dire the say may seem, we can choose to face it with a positive attitude.  The source of our strength and motivation comes from within.  It shouldn’t be dependent on anything else.  And we need to take advantage of that.  We need to shine from within, no matter how the world thinks we should respond.  Just think, if we all did that, how different would the world be.  If we all faced each day motivated, positive, and ready to impact those around us….man great things could happen.  

What about you?  I challenge you to face the day in a constant state of positive motivation.  No matter what happens.  And see the difference you will make to those around you.

Be great today….. 


One comment

  1. Great post you have to believe

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