Monthly Archives: May 2014

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…5/14/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! It always seems that when someone is down or upset, there is always someone else to blame.  I am in a bad mood because of (fill in the blank).  My life isn’t working out because of (fill int he blank). Now, I know that there are times when it is legitimately […]

thank goodness It’s Tuesday….5/13/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! Go out and make something great today. Not for money. Not for fame. Not for someone else. Make something great just because….. Be great today….

Thank Goodness It’s Monday….5/12/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! A poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox was mentioned in church yesterday.  It goes like this: THERE are two kinds of people on earth to-day;Just two kinds of people, no more, I say. Not the sinner and saint, for it’s well understood,The good are half bad, and the bad are half good. […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday…5/9/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! For fun and truth…..Need a hug today?

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday….5/8/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! I am looking forward to the weekend for several reasons.  First, of course, it is Mother’s Day.  Also love celebrating the two most important women in my life.  Second, we have a few fun school events to attend on Friday and Saturday.  Third, my son is home from college and looking […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….5/7/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! I enjoy watching TED talks.  They are often encouraging, inspiring and funny.  I want you to watch this short video about being an everyday hero.  Really listen to what he has to say and then ask yourself what you have to give now. Be great today….. go save the shoes…. […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…5/6/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! So yesterday at work ended in frustration as I found that I had made a mistake in a big project we are working on.  There are a ton of reasons (excuses)…some of them are even good, but the bottom line is I made a mistake.  And that ruined my day.  Fortunately, […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday…..5/5/14

Thank Goodness Its Monday! We live in a “give it to me now” culture that seems to be getting worse and worse with the new generation entering the workforce.  This can be seen in all aspects of life, even down to youth sports.  I will not even start with the everyone gets a trophy mentality […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….5/2/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Easy and light today….as you are building your relationships over the weekend, I find a website with different list of random things to do….( Here is a list of the top 20 things to do…. 1) Visit a child with cancer and make their day better. 2) Waste time on this […]

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday….5/1/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! Real quick this morning. I saw this a while ago and was reminded of it as we continue the week of being present and strengthening relationships. When we have good relationships and work together, we can make the world a fun place. Just imagine if we strengthened our relationships, gave of […]