Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….7/15/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday!

I am looking forward to hearing Nick Vujicic speak in a couple of weeks. If you don’t know him, he is a motivational speaker that was born with no arms or legs. He is married, surfs, skates, and goes around the world sharing his great story. He is quoted as saying, “I Have The Choice To Be Angry At God For What I Don’t Have, Or Be Thankful For What I Do Have.” That may sound like a simple statement, but truly living this out will help you to find that soul rest I mentioned yesterday.

You see, when you become thankful for what you do have and not worried about what you don’t, you start the process of removing yourself from the center of the universe and you begin to realize the importance of having God there instead. And at that point, you begin to feel the rest and peace you are looking for.

Take a moment today and begin looking around at all of the great things you have and then take a moment to simply say thank you. Don’t worry about anything else. Don’t focus on anything else. Just say thank you. And feel the peace begin to come…..

Be great today!

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