Monthly Archives: August 2014

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….8/29/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! A quick thought for you this morning as we embark on a long holiday weekend.  Marcus Aurelius once said, “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be.  Be one.”  That was said a very long time ago but it is very true even today.  In many ways […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…8/27/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! Michelle Thomas is quoting as saying, “Let us respond to the amazing love of God With wild abandon and joyous laughter.” I am pretty sure that we would all say that this is hard to do a lot of the time.  We get so tied up and bogged down by what’s going […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….8/26/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! I have gotten back into the gym (which has been sorely needed)! There is a sign on the wall in the gym that says, “Don’ let weakness make you think you lack.”  That is a great truth.  Just because you happen to be weak at the moment, doesn’t mean you lack […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday….8/25/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! I heard Nick Vujicic speak this weekend.  He is a man that was born without arms or legs.  He has not only survived, he has thrived as he is now 31 years old, married, has an 18 month old child (who according to Nick is as tall as he is….) and is […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….8/22/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! I can’t say that I am a huge Tony Robbins fan, but I did come across this quote from him that I like… “Success comes from taking the initiative and following up… persisting… eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new […]

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday…8/21/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! My wife and I started our family early….really early.  In being young parents, and with me trying to find a career while at the same time supporting that young family, my wife took the position of taking the care of our home and putting our family first.  Things have not been perfect (nor […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….8/20/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! I mentioned the other day that I have been studying Augustine, the early church father from the late fourth and early fifth century.  Many who study him focus a lot on his fight the Donatist movement which split the church in North Africa for over a century.  In one sentence, the […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….8/19/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! I am not sure about you, but I have a problem being still.  I have always been very active and I am not even going to talk about the pace my minds works.  It is almost like I wake up and my mind instantly enters a road race and doesn’t stop until […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday….8/18/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! I have been doing a lot of reading and research on Augustine lately.  Augustine was an early church father, served as the Bishop of Hippo in North Africa in the early 400’s, and is widely considered one of the greatest theologians to ever live.  One of the reasons people feel this […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….8/1/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Today is a transition day for me, as I am moving from one journey to another.  I am looking forward to the challenge that is ahead of me and so very thankful for one that is behind. I am working diligently to live by this principle and I pray that you […]