Thank Goodness It’s Monday….9/8/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday!

It’s interesting to look around and see the lack of faith that exist in the world today.  Now, many people talk about faith, but if you really look at how they live, faith is surely missing from everything they do.  We live in an age when we need to facts upon facts before we will move in any direction.  We read study after study, research until we have read it all, and then wait for someone else to go first, and then we will act.  And when we are successful, we call it faith.

True faith doesn’t work that way.  True faith believes in something greater than ourselves (and what research we can do) and takes action against that faith that will often put us at risk.  It stretches us and it challenges us.  I am reminded of the great story of faith in Luke chapter 8.  A lady who had a severe disease that caused her to continuously bleed (basically she was on her cycle for like 12 years).  Instead of researching, studying, planning, cross-checking and more, she had the faith that if she could just touch Jesus’ robe, she would be healed.  So she broke all the rules, she put herself out there publicly and took a chance….a leap of faith.  And she was healed.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are places in our lives when planning is appropriate.  Our finances, some work projects, a family vacation….are just a few areas where yes, being a good steward means planning. However, our faith in people and our faith in the direction God has given us must not be over thought, over planned or ignored.  We must become a people who are willing to step out on faith and allow the world to see amazing things happen through us.  After all, we all have something that requires the same faith as the woman in Luke 8.  Don’t think about it, just act.

Be great today….


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