Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…9/10/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday!

It amazes me that even will all of the changes that take place in our world, man y of the same mistakes keep repeating themselves over and over.  One that has been happening since the beginning of time continues to happen today.  We often judge a person based on the outside versus getting t know them and learning their heart.  It happens in elementary school when picking teams for softball, it happens in high school when we decide where to sit for lunch, it happens in college when we prejudge the Greek system, and it happens the rest of our lives when we go to the grocery store, work, or just around the community.  We, especially in the US, are “instant judges” and often that causes problems in our lives. We chose bad friends.  We miss out on great friends.  We build ourselves up unnecessarily.   We miss out on helping people.  And we truly mess up when someone we know makes a mistake….we instantly judge based on outward appearances and often find ourselves never offering true forgiveness because we don’t get close enough to learn people’s hearts.

And like I said, this has been happening for a very long time….and God has been warning us about it for a very long time.  In the book of Samuel, the nation is deciding is deciding on their first king.  God gives them a warning in how they are going through the process….”But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Sam 16:7).  Since the very beginning, people have looked at the wrong things.  

In order to build meaningful relationships.  In order to reach people. In order to relate to people n a manner that helps each of you grow.  In order to be able to be a truly forgiving person.  We need to start looking at the heart versus the body.  Get to know someone.  Find out who they really are.  Look at people the way Jesus looks at people.  Only then will we start to get real.  Only then will we see a difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us.  We need to get real and we need to do it quickly…..

Be great today! 

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