Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….11/5/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday!

A great quote by Thomas Watson says, “If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work.”

If we are honest, we live In a culture that allows, even celebrates mediocrity. We don’t strive for excellence in every part of our lives. We just try to get by and hope everything will be ok. And the problem starts, in my opinion, with understanding excellence.

Excellence doesn’t mean perfection. Excellence doesn’t mean we won’t make mistakes from time to time. Excellence defines the attitude with which we approach every day life. Excellence is giving my all, is trying my best and is doing everything in my power to make the world better place. Excellence is Learning from my mistakes and committing to not make the same ones over and over again. In short, excellence is defined by how I go about living my life not necessarily the results of it. This is true in our work life, our family life and the living out of our faith.

True happiness comes from living an excellent life, not a perfect one. Gods call on our lives is that of excellence not perfection. It is one of growing and improving everyday. And that comes from being excellent!

So starting now, be excellent in everything you do!

Be great today….

One comment

  1. heatherparady · · Reply

    This is really really good. I actually JUST wrote a blog about this. I live in the Bible belt and there are so many plagued by the term “excellence” that they have defined it as “everything has to be perfect” and they cripple themselves trying to live up to that standard. This is a great post about what TRUE excellence is. Thanks for sharing.

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