Thank Goodness It’s Thursday…1/8/15

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday!

I came across a funny, yet incredibly true quote by Abraham Lincoln recently….”Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves.”

Very true.  And very humbling if we let that quote sit for a minute.  Because ultimately what it says is that we do not have very honest impressions about ourselves and we are not typically willing to hear the truth about what others see in us.  And the world just spins on and on with these false impressions and understanding spreading and growing and taking over.  This false sense of self causes all number of issues.  People believe they have skills they don’t have and become disillusioned when they aren’t able to do what they want.  People constantly find themselves in conflict because they don’t understand how they are really approaching other people and situations  People are constantly frustrated at work because they wonder why everyone doesn’t see things their way.

Self awareness (and the ability to take that self awareness and positively impact people, situations, and most importantly, impact yourself) is one of the best gifts you can give yourself this year.  None of us are perfect.  All of us have faults.  None of us have all the skills and abilities we think we do.  And that is OK.  Because when we become self aware, we find the ability to overcome our shortfalls, build on the strengths we do have, and maybe most importantly, be OK with who we really are because who we are is special, important, talented, and blessed beyond we could ever imagine.  God has created each and everyone uniquely and for a purpose.

The great news is we are all in the same boat.  The only difference between us is some understand the state of the boat and some don’t.  Take a real look and understand who you are.  Only then can you grow.  And with growth, peace and grace abounds.

Be great today…..

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