Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….1/13/15

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday!

I am staying in a hotel that has a Shula’s 347 Grill in it.  Pretty nice place.  There is a nice quote engraved in the floor as you go into one of the private party rooms.  It says (as said by Don Shula), “Success is not forever and failure is not fatal.”

What a great truth and an awesome way to approach the New Year.  If you had a great 2014, don’t sit back and assume everything is going to continue to be great.  You must continue to pray, work hard, and drive towards something better. You must deepen your faith and recognize that there is more waiting for you while finding joy just where you are so that you do not take it for granted.

And if your 2014 wasn’t the best, don’t fear and don’t continue looking backwards.  You are alive.  You are able to move forward and embrace the fullness of life that God has for you.  A bad year doesn’t kill you, it should prepare you.  It should strengthen your prayer life. It should build your resolve.  It should reorder your priorities.   Failure isn’t failure, it is nothing more than a teaching point.

We are two weeks into the New Year.  You shouldn’t still be looking back wondering what went wrong or celebrating how great you are.  You should be joyful, peaceful and balanced, while driving towards giving the best effort you have in everything you do.  God used 2014 to grow you.  Recognize that and move on.  Take the life lesson and more forward.  Look towards the amazing year that is laid out before you and go change the world.

Be great today!

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