Thank Goodness It’s Monday….1/26/14

Thank  Goodness It’s Monday!

I heard a message yesterday which included the statement, “Being challenged in life is inevitable….being defeated is optional.”

That is true for everyone of us, whether we want to face it or not. We all face challenges.  We all experience difficulties in our lives, many of which we don’t understand and don’t have the answers for. But that doesn’t mean that we have to be defeated. It simply means we have to have faith and we have to continue pushing forward, knowing the answer will eventually come. Some great examples of facing challenges but not being defeated included all of David’s struggles over the 25 years between being anointed as the next king until he actually took the throne.  Or Moses struggling through an wilderness with the unruly nation.  Noah struggling for years building a boat before even knowing what rain really was.  Jesus waiting 30 years for His ministry even to begin.

And there are many more.  And perhaps the greatest thing about the list of those who waited and struggled is that only one was perfect, and He was God. The rest had lives that went up and down, many of them creating their own struggles during their journey, just like we do. And in the end, they all realized victory as they held on, lived with faith and didn’t allow their struggles to defeat them.

Maybe you are at the beginning of your journey and you have no idea what it going on or maybe like many, you are several years in and you feel weary.  You feel like it would be easier just to throw in the towel and admit defeat. Don’t.  Have faith.  Take a breath through the doubt and dismay and continue to push forward.  At the very least, you have been at for years, what will driving forward a couple of more days cost you? Because ultimately, it may be just that couple of more days you need to see yourself sitting on throne that you know is yours.

In the immortal words of Jimmy V, “Don’t give up….don’t ever give up.”

Be great today!

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