Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…..1/27/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday!

In 1914, Thomas Edison lost a majority of his factory in New Jersey to a fire.  He lost nearly $2 million worth of buildings and equipment and a priceless amount of record, files, and research.  The next morning (after he spent most of the night watching the factory burn to the ground), he made this statement, “There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew.”  I would say that he was in a pretty good place mentally and spiritually to be able to see that truth.

So many of us give up at the earliest sign of trouble, let alone after experiencing great tragedy or disaster.  And the reality is, often time it’s after a disaster that some of the greatest moments in our lives can be experienced.  Because, if we look at the situation correctly, disasters have a way to wipe out our past mistakes and allow us to start everything anew.  Edison saw the value in the disaster…the value of a fresh start, a new way of thinking, a new design for his work.  Many times for us, if we are able to see the value in our disasters, waiting on the other side can be stronger relationships, new products, clean lives, rebuilt homes and much more.  But only if we see the value and drive through the struggles.

It is said that about 3 weeks after the fire, Edison corrected some design mistakes and finished the creation of the phonograph (all the while rebuilding his factory without laying off one employee).  I would say that was a pretty good response to a disaster.  How about you?  Do you see the value that is waiting to be taken from your struggles…no matter how big or small they are?  You see, if you look at it correctly, all your mistakes are burned up and you can start anew.  Don’t look back.  Look forward.  Fresh start.  Great inventions are waiting…..

Be great today….

One comment

  1. Chyrl Hamm · · Reply

    Always, always your post speak to me in the most profound ways. Today’s is great. Good things are ahead! Thanks Tom for taking the time to impact so many people.

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