Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….1/28/15

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday!

We have all been told that we need to focus more at some point in our lives.  Maybe it was your third grade teacher telling you to focus on your classwork, your parents telling you that you needed to focus on your future while in in High School, or the love of your life telling you that you needed to focus more on them.  There are countless books and stories on how to focus better.  But I have come to believe that lack of focus isn’t the problem….it is what we chose to focus on that is.

Everything we do requires focus.  You can either focus on playing video games or doing your homework.  You can focus on social media or the person sitting across from you at the table.  You can focus on success or you can focus on the fear of failure.  Everything requires focus.  So it is not a question of focusing more.  It is a question of directing your focus.

And in the big picture of life, your focus really boils down to one of two things.  You either focus on faith or you  focus on fear.  You ether focus on the positive, looking forward, striving towards your goals or you focus on the past, what could go wrong, how you might fail.  And where you put your focus drives your attitude, your energy and your ultimately your outcomes.

Life is too short to be focused on fear.  Sure, you are going to stumble every now and then.  Things will not be perfect and you may find yourself in a tough spot.  But if you can focus intently on your faith, you will realize you are not alone and that you have strength and ability you didn’t know existed.  Stumbles don’t have to be falls.  Perfection is not meant for this world and it is in the tough spots that we grow and learn the most.  Don’t focus on the fear.  Focus on your faith.  And the world will open before you.

Be great today!

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