Thank Goodness It’s Thursday….1/29/15

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday!

Just a quick thought for you this morning.  When you doubt (as we all do)….have you ever thought about where that doubt comes from?  Why are we so prone to it?

I believe a good portion of doubt comes from what we perceive to be delay.  We live in such an instant gratification world, that any form of delay, no matter how slight, causes frustration and ultimately doubt.  We must get passed that.  We must not let delays deter us.  Quit often delays are the times we learn how to exercise our faith and we learn how to drive forward no matter the cause.  Delays are going to happen.  They shouldn’t change our focus. They shouldn’t stop our resolve.  And they shouldn’t cause doubt.

Doubt will slow you down to the point that you won’t make decisions and you feel lost.  You can’t get to that point.  Delays are a natural part of life. Learn through them.  Grow your faith.  Push towards the prize.

If you are in the midst of a delay, don’t doubt.  Push harder.  You will be all the better for it.

Be great today!

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