Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….3/10/15

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday!

Charles Swindoll, in writing about the power of one, said, “put aside excuses and ask yourself, ‘what can I be doing to make a difference?'”

I think many people do this.  The problem for most is that is where it stops.  I think about what I can be doing but I don’t actually do.  I see the problems.  I understand the needs.  I even plan how I can make a difference.  Then when it comes time to act, something gets in the way.  Busyness. Fear. Doubt. These and so many other things cause us pause and more often than not, stop us in our tracks.

Where would we be if the champions of the past saw and evaluated the problems, but did’t act?  Think about people like Martin Luther King Jr., or even before him, Martin Luther.  What about Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln?  What about Jackie Robinson or Branch Rickey?  Look at the power that each one of these men had to impact the world around them.  Well, the truth is their power came simply from acting.  From doing something. Sure they become famous and important.  But only because they saw a need and did what it took to change what they could to improve that need.  You don’t need to be a movie star or politician or some well known socialite to impact the world.  You just need to set aside your fear and doubt and act.

As Swindoll said, “Yes, you can make a difference. the question is will you?”  So what do you say?

Be great today…

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