Author Archives: tomamb1

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….3/10/15

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! Charles Swindoll, in writing about the power of one, said, “put aside excuses and ask yourself, ‘what can I be doing to make a difference?’” I think many people do this.  The problem for most is that is where it stops.  I think about what I can be doing but I […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday…3/9/15

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! I recently went to the metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.  What an amazing place. And my visit, without my knowledge, was very well time for on special display was an amazing statue by Tullio Laombardo entitled ADAM.  The marble statue was of Adam, the first created human.  The statue […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday…..1/30/15

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Sometimes it is good to just laugh….. This may not only be pretty funny, it may be one of Dilbert’s most profound strips.  Be sure to remember the last line in everything you do! Be great today!

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday….1/29/15

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! Just a quick thought for you this morning.  When you doubt (as we all do)….have you ever thought about where that doubt comes from?  Why are we so prone to it? I believe a good portion of doubt comes from what we perceive to be delay.  We live in such an instant […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….1/28/15

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! We have all been told that we need to focus more at some point in our lives.  Maybe it was your third grade teacher telling you to focus on your classwork, your parents telling you that you needed to focus on your future while in in High School, or the love […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…..1/27/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! In 1914, Thomas Edison lost a majority of his factory in New Jersey to a fire.  He lost nearly $2 million worth of buildings and equipment and a priceless amount of record, files, and research.  The next morning (after he spent most of the night watching the factory burn to the […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday….1/26/14

Thank  Goodness It’s Monday! I heard a message yesterday which included the statement, “Being challenged in life is inevitable….being defeated is optional.” That is true for everyone of us, whether we want to face it or not. We all face challenges.  We all experience difficulties in our lives, many of which we don’t understand and […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….1/13/15

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! I am staying in a hotel that has a Shula’s 347 Grill in it.  Pretty nice place.  There is a nice quote engraved in the floor as you go into one of the private party rooms.  It says (as said by Don Shula), “Success is not forever and failure is not […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….1/9/15

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Just for some fun this day….I am sure than many of you feel like doing this at times (especially on Friday), but really, it isn’t the computer’s fault….. Breathe, and enjoy the day! Be great today……and protect your PC!

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday…1/8/15

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! I came across a funny, yet incredibly true quote by Abraham Lincoln recently….”Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves.” Very true.  And very humbling if we let that quote sit for a minute.  Because ultimately what it says is that we do not have very honest impressions […]