Category Fridays

Thank Goodness It’s Friday…..1/30/15

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Sometimes it is good to just laugh….. This may not only be pretty funny, it may be one of Dilbert’s most profound strips.  Be sure to remember the last line in everything you do! Be great today!

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….1/9/15

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Just for some fun this day….I am sure than many of you feel like doing this at times (especially on Friday), but really, it isn’t the computer’s fault….. Breathe, and enjoy the day! Be great today……and protect your PC!

Thank Goodness It’s Friday…..12/19/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! My daughter reminded me of the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley.  I believe it to be a poem of great hope.  It describes the control one has not over his circumstance, but his response to those circumstances.  And it speaks to the reality that no matter what is going on, […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….12/12/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Listened to a message while flying the other day which talked about two major hurdles men have to overcome as seen in Genesis Chapter 3. Chapter 3 is the story of the fall in the Garden of Eden where Eve is tempted by the enemy to eat the one piece of […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….11/14/14

Atheist Church Songs A Friday funny look at a growing trend that in my opinion is causing a lack of hope and peace in this world.  I thank God everyday for His presence and His Peace.  Maybe hearing a couple of these “songs” will help you do that as well. Be great today and smile!

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….11/7/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Real quick this morning. Went through some tough times a short time ago and my wife brought home a picture for me as a gift. The picture is of this beautiful path through the woods and this quote is on it…..”Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….10/24/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Very quick thought for this morning. Maya Angelou once said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Make that your goal today. Make someone smile! Be great today!

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….10/17/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday from a fan of technology…..we must not lose the most important connection we can have…the connection with people.  Put the phone down and talk. Be great today!

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….10/10/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! I spent a lot of time in an airplane yesterday, so I was able to read a book entitled Timekeeper by itch Albom.  I recommend the book….quick and and very good read.  Without giving away the story, there is a great statement made in the book.  The character Dor says, “There […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday….10/3/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Short and quick thought this morning.  Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”  Each and every day we must find the motivation we need to get through that day  We must recharge and recommit each day in […]