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Thank Goodness It’s Monday….7/14/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! John Ortberg was the guest speaker in my church yesterday. He made the statement, “your soul becomes weary when self becomes center of the universe.” What a great truth. So many people are worn down by life and the reality is, the weariness often comes from focusing completely on yourself, rather […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…5/20/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! Continuing a thought from yesterday about surrounding yourself with the proper people….people who will encourage you, give into your life, will keep you accountable, will call you up……I came across this quote, “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” This truth can be applied to so many […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…10/22/13

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! In honor of Apple releasing the new iPad today, I thought it would be appropriate to share this short speech by Steve Jobs. Now, I am not meaning to start the day on a sad note or not looking to be morbid in my outlook, but really, what an amazing thing […]

Thank Goodness It’s…Vacation!

I firmly believe that we all need time to get away and do nothing!  Being quiet, relaxing, focusing on the beauty that surrounds us.  I found this poem that outlines what a good vacation should be:   Come, rest awhile, and let us idly stray In glimmering valleys, cool and far away.  Come from the greedy […]

Thank Goodness It’s Friday…6/21/13

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Keeping with the short and sweet themes of Fridays, I just want to issue you a challenge for the weekend.  Max Lucado says, “You change your life by changing your heart.”  I know there are a very large number of people in my life that say that want to change their […]

Thank Goodness It’s Father’s Day!!

Here is a quick note to all of those guys that are out there doing the right thing and being real father’s to the midst of a drastically changing generation!  Keep up the hard work and don’t lose faith!! Happy Father’s Day!


Thank Goodness It’s….. is a collection of short, hopefully thought provoking posts to help you start your busy work day.  Topics will vary, lengths will vary, and I am sure quality will vary as well.  But I hope that at least once a week you will find something to use to help get you through […]

Thank Goodness Its Monday…4/29/13

Thank Goodness It’s Monday!! Sound weird?  It shouldn’t.  Monday is the day I get to come to work with all of you. Monday is the day I get to work on all of the great things we are doing to change the culture and community of Wellington.  Monday is the day I get to use […]