Tag Archives: Effort

Thank Goodess It’s Tuesday….3/18/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! It’s funny how easily people fall into (and often out of) routines.  I remember the scene from Dead Poet’s Society when Robin Williams proves this point by having the students march around in a circle.  It took less than 3 laps and everyone was already marching in step.  Routine.  Rhythm.  Conformity.  It is […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday….3/3/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! Yesterday, we talked about living a life of significance.  And in reality, all of us (some us may have it buried deep down inside, but it is there) want to live a significant life.  The trouble for most is that we don’t know how to go about it. You see, our […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday……11/13/13

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! I know it is way too early to get excited about college basketball as March Madness is still almost 6 months away.  But with a couple of exciting upsets yesterday, some thoughts have come to mind about what makes March Madness so great For those that don’t know, March madness references […]

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday…10/29/13

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! I have often wondered why so many people settle for ordinary when they could be extraordinary.  I mean, I look around at people where I work, in my community, among my kids friends and really everywhere and see people who are so satisfied with the status quo.  Now, understand I am […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday…10/7/2013

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! Many of us wake up on Mondays tired from the weekend….whether we completed a huge honey-do list or just sat around the house doing nothing, we often find ourselves not eager to face the new week.  And it shows when we get to work.  How many times have you seen (or […]

Thank goodness It’s Monday…8/19/13

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! I spent the weekend moving my oldest son to college.  An emotional time to say the least.  But I think the “thing” that consumes me most, is my hope that he understands and accepts the challenge to put in the hard work now (both in school and baseball) in order to […]