Tag Archives: lead

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…9/10/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! It amazes me that even will all of the changes that take place in our world, man y of the same mistakes keep repeating themselves over and over.  One that has been happening since the beginning of time continues to happen today.  We often judge a person based on the outside […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday…6/16/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! I know it is the day after father’s Day, but I saw this yesterday and just had to share. I pray all you dads had a great day yesterday and are ready to hit the ground running again in the “Dad’s Life”…. Remember that your job is one of the most […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday….4/30/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! As we spend this week looking to be present in our key relationships, I wanted to quickly give you this idea……An anonymous quote says, “Successful entrepreneurs are givers and not takers of positive energy.”  That statement could be reworded to say, “Good (friends, coworkers, spouses, people) are givers and not takers of […]

Thank Godoness It’s Friday…3/14/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Even if you don’t like baseball, watch and listen to the video. I have always been a baseball guy. Just love the game. I love that my son is playing college baseball right now. He is following his dreams. I pray that he is working as hard as the athletes described […]

Thank Goodness Its Tuesday….5/7/13

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! Tuesday is a great day to think about Transformation. I recently heard the CEO of Allstate speak.  He was talking about change in an organization (specifically IT change, but change nonetheless) and he made a statement that fits into what we have been trying to understand. He said in order to see […]