Tag Archives: prayer

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday….1/13/15

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! I am staying in a hotel that has a Shula’s 347 Grill in it.  Pretty nice place.  There is a nice quote engraved in the floor as you go into one of the private party rooms.  It says (as said by Don Shula), “Success is not forever and failure is not […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…10/15/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! In 1979-1980 Gabriel Barkay was excavating some ancient burial tombs in Jerusalem. In one of the tombs, he found two small rolled up silver amulets.  They were dated back tot he 7th century BC.  When unrolled, they revealed carvings of scripture from the book of Numbers. The little slips of silver contained […]

Thank Goodness It’s Monday….9/15/14

Thank Goodness It’s Monday! I saw a a very good quote the other day.  It simply said the battle is won before it is fought.  What a great truth.  The reality is whether in school, in athletics, in relationships, at work…in life…you  will only succeed if you are prepared.  Training, practice, research, study…all are necessary […]

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday….5/1/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! Real quick this morning. I saw this a while ago and was reminded of it as we continue the week of being present and strengthening relationships. When we have good relationships and work together, we can make the world a fun place. Just imagine if we strengthened our relationships, gave of […]