Tag Archives: Quality

Thank Goodness It’s Friday…9/5/14

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Today is Friday and for many people that means finishing a week of work and then spending time with their friends and family over the weekend.  Now, of course, some do things they shouldn’t be doing, but in general the weekend is a time to rest and enjoy those you love. […]

Thank Goodess It’s Tuesday….3/18/14

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! It’s funny how easily people fall into (and often out of) routines.  I remember the scene from Dead Poet’s Society when Robin Williams proves this point by having the students march around in a circle.  It took less than 3 laps and everyone was already marching in step.  Routine.  Rhythm.  Conformity.  It is […]

Thank goodness It’s Tuesday…10/15/13

Thank Goodness It’s Tuesday! Yesterday we talked about moving forward and taking a mindset that doesn’t allow the events of the past to determine your future.  One key way to help make that happen is by maintaining an attitude of excellence.  Let me start by unequivocally stating that despite what our “everybody is winner” culture […]