Tag Archives: struggles

Thank Goodness It’s Monday….1/26/14

Thank  Goodness It’s Monday! I heard a message yesterday which included the statement, “Being challenged in life is inevitable….being defeated is optional.” That is true for everyone of us, whether we want to face it or not. We all face challenges.  We all experience difficulties in our lives, many of which we don’t understand and […]

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday…1/9/14

Thank Goodness It’s Thursday! Just a short thought for today.  Guy Finley is quoted as saying, “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”  And while that is absolutely true, it doesn’t say enough about the truth.  Because reality is not only is there nothing that can stop you from […]

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday…1/8/14

Thank Goodness It’s Wednesday! “So, it’s a new year, everything is great, everything is wonderful, this year is going to be different!”  That is how most of us start out and then something happens.  We get into a difficult place, a challenge, something goes wrong.  And so often, we throw up our hands and go […]